Shutaido Instructor
Universal Reiki Master
Osteoquantique Operator
Psychosomatic Operator and Therapy Symbology Operator
Meditation Techniques
I was born in Italy. In Casale Monferrato in province of Alessandria, Piedmont, on January, 10th 1975.
My spiritual journey begins in 2003 after meeting Dr.Rosalia Ajola, a certified instructor who initiated me into Universal Reiki. in 2006 I was instructed in Shutaido by Dr. Rosalia Ajola and thanks to her I had the honor of meeting Philippe Apruzzese, founder of Shutaido.
After following a training course in 2019 I became Shutaido Instructor.
My mission as an instructor is deeply rooted within me ands such, as useful as ever to help with spreading such discipline, which allows humans to find the highest expression of their soul.