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Instructor Shutaïdo©
Instructor Ostéoquantique©
Universal Reiki Master
Mediumship Master
Objective Symbols Master
Regressions in Past Lives
Meditation Master
Born in Palermo in 1957. Acquired a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Science.
Currently living in Genova, Italy. Together with my commitment to the world of consciousness and matter, after meeting with Eileen Caddy, founder of the
International Meditation Center of Findorn, Scotland, I became instructor of Reiki, Mediumship, Targeted Vibrational Techniques, Astrology, Activation of Talents, Psychosomatics, Objective Symbols, Rebirthing, and Regressions in Past Lives.
Among the reincarnated instructors I have met on my path are the Dalai Lama and Sai Baba. I have conducted seminars in Italy as well as Spain, France, Greece, India and the United States. I am an expert in radioesthesia and in channeling angelic energies. I work as intermediary to free the individual’s physical body and the subtle bodies from blocks and not positive recordings.
In 2005, in Paris I became instructor of Shutaido, initiated by Philippe Abruzzese, founder of this discipline. In 2012, my work “The Law of Awareness/Consciousness” was published. It was also translated in English, French and Spanish. In 2019, I became instructor of Osteoquantic, initiated by Richard Lamoureux.
I am currently involved in International initiation seminars as well as in training future Shutaido instructors who complete the course with the founder Philippe Abruzzese. I also hold seminars as well as raising energy innalzamento energetico evenings in different regions of Italy and other countries, in person and through online meetings I am committed to channel energies to help people to elevate themselves spiritually.
Moreover, I am also actively involved in creating associations where people reach their inner balance through Shutaido practice as well as the rediscovery of their outer and inner beauty. This is possible through self development and better consciousness of the purpose of one’s life.