Mobile: 338.7698940
“Open yourself to the world, awaken your energy to love”
Shutaïdo© Instructor
Universal Reiki Master
Shutaïdo© Operator
Symbolism and Psychosomatics
Social Sciences
I was born in Turin in 1969.
I graduated in accounting, I live in San Damiano d’Asti and work in Alba at a communication agency as an accounting and HR manager.
In 2016, I became interested in the holistic sphere after getting in touch with Dr. Rosalia Ajola and Philippe Apruzzese. Thanks to their teachings and the strong need to grow in knowledge and in spirit, in December 2019 I became a Reiki Master and in May 2020 a Shutaido Instructor.
Along my spiritual journey, I have learned other holistic techniques like Ostéoquantique©, Meditation techniques, Objective Symbolism, Psychosomatics and Consciousness therapy.
The awakening of the energy in me has been a fundamental element that has helped me to grow and be more aware of how wonderful our existence is and know my purpose in life: to be of support to those who want to rediscover “Their Path to awareness and inner Peace”.