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Shutaïdo© Instructor
Universal Reiki Master
Shutaïdo© Operator
Universal Reiki
Meditation and Decoding Techniques
Objective Symbolism and Psychosomatics
Social Sciences Teacher
Born and raised in Catania, for some years I live in Turin, where I teach Social Sciences.
2014 has been a turning point in my life: after a continuous pilgrimage in search of answers on who I was and how to be happy, the meeting with Dr. Rosalia Ajola, Master of holistic disciplines, allowed me to undertake a formidable path of growth and evolution,
through the study and practice of disciplines such as Universal Reiki, Shutaïdo, Objective Symbolism, Psychosomatics and Consciousness Therapy, Meditation and Decoding Techniques.
The changes I saw in me and in my life pushed me to become Universal Reiki Master in 2018 and Shutaïdo Instructor in 2020, in order to be a channel for those who, like me, want to improve and evolve on all levels. I am one of the founding members of the Association “Centro Evoluzione Quantica APS”,
born in Turin in 2019.
Today I guide others in recognizing their Beauty, made of balance and harmony between body, mind and spirit, on a journey which leads to turn one’s gaze within oneself, in order to discover and bring out the Essence of one’s Higher Self and live every moment with Joy.