Philippe Apruzzese, the inspirational thinker, welcomes you to the wonderful world of Shutaido.
A technique which brings you closer to human well-being, that Philippe himself, has created, developed and perfectioned day after day. Shutaido is an innovative form of exercise that allows to set yourself into the magnetic phase with the Earth and the Universe from the very first moment on.
Shutaido helps you discover your inner identity, your inner spiritual dimension, which brings independence and “Freedom of being”.

Shutaido is a form of Art, which has the peculiarity of being in constant evolution, where each person freely expresses the stream of energy that comes from it through a series of specific movements. The changes of the current universal parameters disturb our biorhythm. Therefore, our inner compass is unbalanced. If people aren’t on their magnetic phase, they can “lose the North”. Already the first Shutaido movement allows you to set yourself on the magnetic phase with the Earth on daily basis. Moreover, it allows you to anchor, align, and center yourself. (Within a time frame of 30 seconds). These techniques are simple, beneficial, and accessible to everybody. They can also be exercised while seated.
Shutaido is a spiritual, cosmogenic discipline that acts through a series of movements based on a precise methodology, which instantly adjusts itself to the new consistent stream of Universal energy. The effectiveness of this discipline is based on the incorporation of new energy streams created from Shutaido movements. Make your own decisions towards the benefit of your own life.

There are people who think only about themselves, who are not inclined to join efforts with others, or to develop themselves spiritually. These people will not reach the Unity which is the truth of the evolution of consciousness. Author: JACQLINE BOUSQUET (1927-2013) Doctor in Biological Science, honorary researcher for CNRS book “AU COEUR DU VIVANT”- Ecopolia edition. Scienze en Coscience Collection.

The legend tells that in a remote, now forgotten land, the King and the Queen used to tell the story of the “mystery of the forgotten treasure” to their subjects every night. This mystery consisted of how to maintain balance among the four elements that formed the treasure. These four elements were respectively Earth, Air, Water, and Fire. They were kept in cohesion thank to the ether. When the four elements would have gained back their strength, fluidity and power, the “whole”, could reach the perfect balance, and therefore the forgotten charm of the treasure would finally awake. Finally, the darkness will be replaced by the light. The King and the Queen, as well as their land and their treasure, magically
Shutaido was born in Italy in 1985.
In 1990, Philippe Abruzzese decided to register the icon and the name of Shutaido in Rome. Throughout twenty years of experience coming from different sources of inspiration,inner reflection, exercises and practices, Philippe Abruzzese elaborated this new approach to human health. This technique is innovative and is perfectioned daily. Later, after the first registration in Rome, in 2010 and 2015, the copyrights as well as the intellectual property rights were registered under the Bern convention.

The principles of Shuitado are following: Shuitado is a cosmogenic discipline, practiced through series of gestures that are based on a precise methodology which the individual can adjust voluntary. This practice has as main goal to reach the personal well-being.The energetic and spiritual principles are described as follows: Shutaido is a discipline where people freely explore a variety of movements. This is a universal energetic
practice. The streams of energy freely circulate. They are free in the sense that they do not belong to a teacher or to any philosophical currents, dogma or doctrine.
Indeed, the energy is free and universal. It is stripped of all doctrines, concepts and structures. It is a vast picture. For these reasons, if the energy is free of structures, if it is not fully explained in all scientific works, the freedom of discovering is given to each of us who can explore it in every nuance, asset and aspect.
Philippe Apruzzese: ”I invite you to rediscover your independence, your know-how through several meetings of pedagogical initiations. Rediscover your own treasure, your own crown and most importantly, your freedom of being. We all are streams of energy, not because of what we practice, but because of our own existence. For inhaling, exhaling; the universal movement.