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Shutaïdo© Instructor
Universal Reiki Master
Ostéoquantique© Operator
Psychosomatics and Consciousness Vibrational Therapy
Meditation and Decoding
Techniques, Objective Symbolism
Born in Trieste on 3 rd April 1964, I live in Rivoli, in the province of Turin, where I work in the field of Human Resources, as Career guidance operator and Recruiter.
For several years, I have embarked on a journey of awareness and personal growth, which has led me to the understanding of the mission of my Soul. 2012 has been a crucial year for my development, as I met Dr. Rosalia Ajola, Master of holistic disciplines. With her I started a training path in different disciplines, I became Master of Universal Reiki in 2018 and Instructor of Shutaïdo© in 2020.
For me, living the mission of my Soul is to constantly renew, with infinite joy, the connection with the Whole. Part of my task is to ensure that more and more people live such an Experience and I carry out this mission with enthusiasm, gratitude and affection.
On 19 th May 2019, together with some holistic travel companions, we founded the Association “Centro Evoluzione Quantica APS” located in Turin, in order to promote and spread the light, the beauty and the listening to one’s Essence.
I organize Conferences and Seminars of Reiki and Shutaïdo© and activate people to these disciplines, so that everyone lives their evolution with full awareness and experiences harmony, grace, joy and balance in all aspects of life. Let us raise all our Vibrations and those of our Planet and connect to our Higher Self. It is wonderful!
Contact me for more information on individual holistic sessions and training Seminars, I will be happy to answer you.